
Roff Bond Repair

Roff Bond Repair is an SBR latex that is meant for bonding, repairing, and under-tile waterproofing. This multi-purpose product is suitable for use in the bathroom, kitchen, small terrace, and other wet areas. The product forms a matrix with cement and works as a bonding agent. The milky-white Roff W01 Bond Repair can be used for repair work on concrete, bonding of new concrete to old concrete, masonry stonework, plastering, pinhole treatment on concrete surfaces & passivator coat for bars.

Packaging Units- 1 / 5 / 20 L

Packaging Type- Liquid

Colours- Milky White

Features and Advantages

  • It is a multi-purpose product used for bonding, repairing, and waterproofing.
  • The price of Roff Bond Repair is economical.
  • Roff Bond Repair is formulated to give a crack-free surface due to its high flexural strength.
  • It improves hardness, and compression strength and prevents dust accumulation on the substrate .
  • It has a non-shrinkage and water-resistant formulation.
  • It has strong bonding properties which are suitable for repairs and renovation.
  • It is erosion and corrosion-resistant.

Application Area

Roff Bond Repair Application

Application Area

  • As a Bonding Agent - It forms a strong bond with old and new concrete, masonry stonework, and plastering, for pinhole treatment on concrete surfaces & passivator coat for bars.
  • As a Waterproofing Product - You can use it in the bathroom, small terrace area, walkways, balconies , liquid & effluent tanks, car decks and others.
  • As Repairing Product for Concretes and Mortars - It can be used on Spalled concrete of floors, columns, beams, chhajas, slabs, parapets, screed, plaster & polymer modified mortar

Things to Consider

  • For making a bond coat: 1 part of cement should be mixed with 1 part of Roff Bond Repair. It should be applied on the surface which is to be treated with RBR-modified mortar.
  • For the waterproofing coat: 1.5 parts of cement should be mixed with 1 part of Roff Bond Repair to get the desired results.
  • The mortar prepared should be used within 25 minutes.
  • You should only add recommended amount of water to prepare the mortar.
  • Provide adequate time for drying the surface. Ideally, the surface should be kept isolated from foot traffic and direct rainfall for at least 24 hours. Humidity may prolong the drying time.
  • A pond test should be conducted after 72 hours of application to check for any leakage on the surface.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the use of Roff Bond Repair?
Roff Bond Repair is a multi-purpose product that is used for under-tile waterproofing, bonding, and repair applications. It comes in a packaging unit of 1/5/20 L. This SBR-based latex also has excellent adhesion to cement surfaces.
Where can I use the SBR bonding agent?
SBR bonding agent can be used to bond new concrete to old concrete, masonry stonework, plastering, pinhole treatment on concrete surfaces, and passivator coating for bars. It can also be used in wet areas.
Which product is best for under-tile waterproofing?
Roff Hyguard EX is a suitable product for under-tile waterproofing. This multi-purpose product avoids water seepage in wet areas, making it ideal for bathrooms, balconies, terraces, and walkways.

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